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The Grind

Writer's picture: Paul RodriguezPaul Rodriguez

Ever felt like you put all you can, all your efforts, all your energy, and you don't see the results like you would've wanted? How about the lack of sleep, working 12-plus hours, and the same mundane routine every day? We see quotes like "Good things happen to those that hustle, the road to success is not an elevator but rather stairs, patience, persistence, and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success". All those are very encouraging quotes to pursue success. However, what is it if you gain success at the expense of your health or family? Sometimes pursuing a career with all the ups and downs and time against you every day feels like you're in a meat grinder. This is THE GRIND.

Working to make a living, supporting your family, or just paying rent can seem like a never-ending roller-coaster ride with no end in sight when you're on the grind. In my case, I'm an entrepreneur which makes the grind even harder. I'm in the market of sales and without a sale, you ain't getting paid. So yes the hustle is real and the grind never stops. For many people, the grind has put people on deathbeds, unfortunately. Other health issues like anxiety can creep in due to trying to make it day by day, month by month, and paycheck to paycheck. Another problem the grind can produce is the lack of time spent with loved ones. In our day and age, everyone seems to be on the work treadmill. You have corporate business professionals in their never-ending pursuit to be the biggest, richest company in the world with all the accolades, exotic cars, fancy dinners, and work travel. All while their family is wishing that they could spend more time with daddy or momma. Then we wonder why children grow up nowadays without morality, respect, and manners because the ones that are supposed to teach them are not at home often. What about the truck driver that travels day and night to support his family? Some truck drivers are so in a rush because of the long travels that they'll eat whatever, sleep when they can, and rush to their destination to their next destination. I used to be a truck driver, so I know. What about the student that is so focused on getting that degree or Ph.D.? Day and night, study, study, study. Mentally that can be draining. The grind can have a big effect on people and their emotions. Ever noticed people on the grind can be easily sensitive or get angry quickly?

So you say, well Paul, the grind is good. It helps us succeed and make money to make a prosperous living.

Yes, I don't say to be lazy or stop pursuing what you love to do or to support the ones you love, but you have to have a balance. I recently got an Apple Watch and it gives me alerts that I truly love. It alerts me when it's bedtime, when to stand up, and when to take a mental break. I never knew that abiding by those simple commands could be so helpful to my physical health. The same with mental health. Take time to purposely relax, make time for your loved ones, get involved in recreational activities, listen to music, go watch a movie, something enjoyable and healthy for your mind. In the grind, you have to make yourself do things out of the normal routine to take care of yourself. And it's a good thing for you. The other thing is to educate yourself on how you can make the grind in your life less painful. There are other ways of getting the results you want but you have to do a little digging. You'll be surprised by some things you might find. Sometimes it's a strategy change, career change, or simply learning how you can accomplish what you desire in a better way. A way to bring the grind to a minimum. A way you may never have known was there until you went digging.

Don't let the grind take control of you but rather while you're in the grind find those times to just stop. Yes, stop! Have you ever just stopped, spend an alone moment, and looked at the world around you? You'll find out that a lot has been neglected because of the grind. So be kind to yourself, plan your days right, take those "stop" moments, and enjoy your life. Whether by yourself or with the ones you love because time is quick and it waits for nobody. I myself have to take what I just wrote and apply it in my own life. Also, keep the grind short and manageable every day. Just like grinding coffee. It's short but the results of freshly grounded and brewed coffee is longer and enjoyable. It's not meant to be ground for hours and hours.

I Hope this message encourages you. Have a blessed day on purpose!


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