I am not an photographer but cinematography is pretty much the same but with the intent of creating a motion picture. However, taking pictures can give the cinematographer skills and experience to help with color design, color theory, compositions, and more. Looking for the right shot can be intensive as you can be on the ground, up high, or somewhere that can be physically strenuous. But once the shot is made there is so much more that goes into it. You may have a good eye and know how to get the right angles but to really shine is in the editing room. There's so much to say about editing so that will be another blog. What I will say is a skilled photographer can make a simple picture look like a masterpiece painting with brilliance of color and more. All this is done in photo editing programs, and the more professional the app is, the better the outcome will be. Some of these apps are Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom, or Affinity Photo. I would say that I'm at an intermediate skill level in Adobe Photoshop. I can get the right shot, and do basic editing to improve the image. But to do more would mean more training or school. You can definitely do more with the full understanding of these programs like image enhancements, graphic design, air brush techniques, color grading, and picture restoration. Take for instance this picture of my wife as a baby. I took this aged old torn up picture and was able to enhance it in Adobe Photoshop. This takes tedious work and time. So to all the photographers out there, I have deep respect for you and I know you love it as much as I love cinematography. I really hope the general public will understand a little more of the work that goes into it and value the outcome. Keep up the good work and keep taking them beautiful pictures!